
MedCOP Climate: Meeting of Mediterranean territories for climate action

14 June 2023

The 3rd MedCOP Climate conference is scheduled to be held in Tangier, Morocco on 22 and 23 June, 2023. This significant event aims to provide support for climate change mitigation efforts and promote collaboration among stakeholders in the Mediterranean region. By fostering a shared agenda and advocating for decentralised action, the conference strives to strengthen climate action and address the detrimental effects of climate change on Mediterranean communities.

The conference aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Enhance climate change combat by supporting integrated strategies at the basin level.

  • Establish a common agenda among stakeholders from different regions to increase ambition in climate action.

  • Empower decentralised and concerted action through more cohesive funding mechanisms.

  • Sustain networking and collaboration by building upon the achievements of previous MedCOP events.

The conference plays a pivotal role in driving climate action at the local and regional levels in the Mediterranean. It will see the participation of IUCN-Med Director Maher Mahjoub, who will contribute to Hub 6 focused on Nature-based Solutions. On 23 June, Mr. Mahjoub will lead and moderate sessions discussing "Solutions to tackle climate change and protect biodiversity in the continuum from sea to land."

Given that the REST-COAST project is actively incorporating nature-based solutions into its coastal restoration plan, its participation in this conference becomes of vital relevance. The project's involvement will contribute to the broader discussions on nature-based solutions and coastal resilience, enhancing the collective efforts to combat climate change and protect the Mediterranean's valuable ecosystems.

Find out more about the conference here.

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